Monday, November 2, 2009

A Weekend with Verne and Gary - Part 72

So, first, props to Gary Danielson for coming on The Paul Finebaum Radio Network last monday and admitting to being just as big of a douche bag as Lame Kitten when it comes to the rules of college football.  You can listen to the interview here 20091026_PFRN_Hour2.mp3

Now onto this week’s Verne and Gary Show.  Verne apparently is seriously knocking back the Maddog 40/40 or smoking some skank weed before  airtime.  As you know, since Tim Tebow was born, Gary and Verne have had man-crushes on the guy.  Yes he is probably the best college football player in history.  And I hate Florida.  But you just can’t deny it.  And he’s a good guy too.  That being said, I wonder how Timmy feels after Verne said that Timmy played for Georgia.  What, Superman is really a bulldog.  No.  If that were the case then Georgia might actually have a gnat’s chance in hell of actually beating someone the rest of the year.  Perhaps it’s a good thing Mark Richt was a Nebraska fan growing up, now that Bo has maybe, possibly righted the corn-field in the midwest he’ll need Mark to come out and be one of his assistants.   Who knows.   Verne and Gary just SUCK ASS.

Perhaps the SEC should use some of the money they get from these TV contracts and go out and hire their own fucking announcers.  Although the SEC hires it’s own refs, so we may be in worse shape if they hire the announcers.

Then there is this classic from the overall worst officiated college football game I’ve ever seen. (Although according to Lame Kitten, all penalties that don’t go Tennessee’s way are a conspiracy against all things that are good, and little baby chicks.)

Here’s the problem with that video.  The Arkansas player caught the pass…ran at least 3 steps, which makes it a complete pass.  Then the Florida player strips the ball. Which is a FUMBLE.  Then the Arkansas player gets up, runs to where the ball is in the end zone and recovers the football for a Touchdown.  Case closed, moot point.  But Douchebags Verne and Gary can’t see past their fucking noses and watch the end of the play.  Morons, both of them.  If CBS didn’t have first shot at SEC games I’d be a happy fucking camper.  (CBS = Can’t Broadcast Shit)

Enough about Gary and Verne for this week.  I really would like to stop talking about them, but they make it impossible.  It’s like watching a fucking train wreck in slow motion.

Well at least they aren’t this guy WOW

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